Online Security
Online Security
Paolo Shoes understands your concerns over Internet security. Because we share your concerns, we've worked to develop a highly secure online ordering process - one that lets you shop and order with confidence.
Our site uses the industry standard Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol and 256-bit strong encryption to maintain the highest level of security. We use the Comodo SSL Certificate. This is a system which takes your name, credit card and shipping information and encrypts them so that only we can view them. It creates a direct connection between your computer and ours which can not be intercepted by any third parties.
Our Comodo SSL Certificate enables us to:
- Take credit card orders securely
- Protect sensitive personal information
- Ensure that hackers cannot detect your passwords and credit card numbers

Still not sure? While we are confident that our online ordering system is 100% safe and secure we realize that some people still are not sure and would rather not give their credit card information over the internet. In this case, please call (415)552-4580 and we will be happy to take your order and information over the phone.